Archive for November 26th, 2005

Vegas Baby

Saturday, November 26th, 2005

Today I am 25. Being old sucks. At least in about an hour I’m going to head off to see Paul McCartney in concert at the MGM.

I’m taking photos, but I don’t have an SD card reader to upload the images, so they’ll have to wait till Monday.

Oh, and as of right now, I’m up 53 bucks! Okay, it’s not a fortune, but it’s better than being in the red.


Saturday, November 26th, 2005


They were out of oysters. At an oyster bar.

It’s okay though; the nice lady pouring drinks gave me a free cheesecake because it was my birthday, which was cool. The food is always good there anyway, so we had a good time. I made the $53 dollars playing blackjack while Teo was in line.